Meeting Date:           February 19, 2004                  Budgeted: N/A

                                                                                    Program/Line Item No.:  N/A

Staff Contact:             Larry Hampson                      Cost Estimate:  N/A


General Counsel Approval:   N/A

Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on February 10, 2004 and recommended approval on a 2-1 vote.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:    The Carmel River Advisory Committee (CRAC) and other groups interested in the management of Carmel River resources are concerned that the District may reduce the scope and funding of the MPWMD Mitigation Program (program).  Director Lehman has requested that the MPWMD Board of Directors consider adopting a resolution to reaffirm MPWMD’s commitment to continuing the program to mitigate for adverse environment impacts from the use of water by the Monterey Peninsula.  Attached as Exhibit 4-A is a draft resolution.


RECOMMENDATION:  The Board should consider adoption of the resolution attached as Exhibit 4-A.  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on February 10, 2004 and recommended approval on a 2-1 vote.  The Carmel River Advisory Committee, the Carmel River Steelhead Association, and the Carmel River Watershed Council recommend that MPWMD continue the Mitigation Program, as is stated in the letter from the Carmel River Advisory Committee Chair attached as Exhibit 4-B.


BACKGROUND:  Carmel River Advisory Committee Action.  The Carmel River Advisory Committee (CRAC) is a standing committee of the District appointed by the Board of Directors to advise the Board with regard to management of the Carmel River and its riparian corridor.  At their November 13, 2003 meeting, the CRAC discussed whether to make a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding continuation of the Mitigation Program (program).  Concern was expressed that legislation introduced by Senator Bruce McPherson in 2003 (Senate Bill 149, a bill to amend the statutes governing the MPWMD) could adversely impact the program.  The CRAC voted to write a letter to the MPWMD Board of Directors recommending the continuation of the program and appointed one of the CRAC members to meet with Board members and members of the public regarding the importance of the program.  At the December 18, 2003 CRAC meeting, the Carmel River Steelhead Association (CRSA) and the Carmel River Watershed Council (CRWC) expressed support for MPWMD continuing the program.  The CRAC voted to support a resolution for consideration by the Board of Directors to continue the program at no less than the current funding level. 


Administrative Committee Action: At the February 10, 2004 Administrative Committee meeting, Director Judi Lehman expressed support for continuing the program by sponsoring a resolution incorporating the concerns expressed by the CRAC, CRWC, and CRSA.  Attached as Exhibit 4-A is a draft resolution for consideration by the MPWMD Board of Directors.


Exhibit 4-B is a letter dated January 30, 2004 from CRAC Chair Susan Rogers to Board Chair Alvin Edwards stating that the Mitigation Program has benefited the District’s residents and the Carmel River habitat, transmitting a proposed draft resolution, and requesting “… that the MPWMD directors consider and enact this resolution.”


Background on Implementation of the District’s Mitigation Program.  The Water Allocation Program Environmental Impact Report, certified by the MPWMD Board of Directors in 1990, describes the environmental impacts associated with the use of water from the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System (MPWRS).  The MPWRS consists of the surface water and groundwater in the Carmel River, its tributaries, and the associated alluvial aquifer, and groundwater in the Seaside Coastal Subareas.  Beginning in 1991, MPWMD implemented a comprehensive five-year program, called the Mitigation Program, to mitigate for impacts from use of water from the MPWRS.  The program was established to protect resources of the Carmel River and its riparian corridor, to manage water use within the District boundary, and to monitor the effects of water use from the MPWRS. 


The MPWMD Board of Directors evaluated the results of Mitigation Program at their May 20, 1996 meeting and voted to continue to implement and fund the program for an additional five years.  Since Fiscal Year 2001-2002, the MPWMD Board has continued implementation of the Mitigation Program with funding approved on an annual basis as part of the budget process.


